Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Yummy! Isn't that so hilarious! I love these pictures. They capture the cake on his face perfectly! The story goes like this: Lincoln wan't too interested in the cake at first. We tried to show him what to do by eating our cupcakes, but it didn't work. So, I tried breaking the cake open a bit for him to know that there was cake underneath the green icing stuff. Then he finally got into it. In photo #3 he's attempting to put his face into it. It was a lot of fun. And, to my surprise he didn't seem too wired afterwards. He actually slept in longer this morning than normal. Hey, maybe I should do this every night! j/k
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1 comment:

Brook said...

OK, you have to put this picture right next to the one of Jon licking his birthday cake! Like father like son!