Sunday, August 16, 2009

This one is for you G-pa Willison!

We started the wiles of potty training, and it's no easy task. I was going to wait until Lincoln showed more interest in using the toilet himself. But...the preschool that we love and want him to go to requires that he be potty trained. So, for the last two weeks we've been working on it. And get this, he has only gone pee with his dad! For rizzle! I've probably taken him 100 more times than his dad already, and yet he's never gone pee infront of me. I'm feeling a little whisperings that our Linkster might be a Daddy potty trainer. Sounds great to me. The only drawback is that the whole process will take a lot longer from start to finish. Luckily the preschool is willing to work with us and let him join the 3 y.o. class as long as he's working on it.

Prayers from anyone reading this would be GREATLY appreciated. We can use all the help we can get!
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1 comment:

mer and mel said...

Oh, potty training! Good luck! Braden will only pee while standing up-my dad showed him once and that's the only way he will pee now. Have you tried the underwear with characters on it? Or potty candy treats? Both worked well with Braden. Good luck! And remember that boys always take longer to train than girls! (believe me, we're almost done with our second round of PT with Braden-he digressed when we moved)