Sunday, April 11, 2010

No, we were SO close!

Okay, so at the end of Crisco's birthday party I convinced everyone to stick around to play just one round of Guesstures (my favorite game). I totally thought that the girls would kick the boys' boo-tays. (Nichole and I are serious gamers, to say the least.) Little did I know, though, that the guys had some kind of ESP thing going on. I gotta give us ladies some credit, we did end the round tied with the boys. However, when we went into over-time the score ended totally lopsided: 8-12. So sad!

Here are the boys, holding their trophy and gloating in their win! Number one (not!).

The ladies.
(Sorry Miranda that you guys headed out before we took the group pics.)

BTW--next time, we are totally winning...I think.
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